SFCL decreased its net loss to Rs. 2.13 Crore.
NLG Insurance Company Limited (NLG) has called its 18th AGM on 3rd Falgun, 2080.
NEPSE concludes at 2,130.18 points.
The paid-up capital for the company stood at Rs. 21.60 Arba in this quarter.
Kumari Bank Limited's profit has declined by 14.31 % to Rs. 86.72 Crores.
Net profit has decreased by 41.84 % to Rs. 1.90 Arba in this quarter.
The Net Profit has decreased by 49.60% to Rs. 59 Crores in this quarter.
They are opening the bid for the outstanding ordinary share of 1,70,19,530 Units.
NEPSE settled with a loss of 7.24 points on the last trading day of this week.
The Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) increased by 0.32 points.
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सामाजिक संजाल
Artha Kendra
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