Miteri and Excel Development Bank published Q2 Reports

सोमबार, ८ माघ २०८०, १:१२ PM

Miteri Development Bank has posted the Second Quarter unaudited report for the fiscal year 2080/2081. Where the net profit has decreased by 26.75 % to Rs. 13.32 Crore in this quarter. 
The annual EPS is reported at Rs. 8.79 and the net worth per share is recorded as Rs. 134.29. Miteri Development Bank traded at a P/E multiple of 47.19 times during the period.
The Reserve and Surplus have settled to Rs. 33.24 Crore in this quarter presented by the second quarter report.
The paid-up capital for the company stood at Rs. 1.11 Arba in this quarter.
Overall, Miteri Development Bank’s profit has declined by 26.75 % to Rs. 13.32 Crores.
Another development bank i.e. Excel Development Bank has also published its second-quarter report for the fiscal year 2080/81. The bank has reported a net loss of Rs. 6.99 Crore in this quarter, compared to the report of the previous fiscal year, the company had earned 2.32 Crore in the previous year. 
The annual EPS is reported at Rs. -11.19 after a decrease. The Reserve and Surplus are negative and have settled to Rs. 73.16 Crore.
The paid-up capital for the company stood at Rs. 1.24 Arba in this quarter.

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