Pokhara Finance Limited has posted the Second Quarter Unaudited Report

Pokhara Finance Limited has posted the Second Quarter unaudited report for the fiscal year 2080/2081. Where the net profit has decreased by 18.33 % to Rs. 2.90 Crore. in this quarter.
The annual EPS is reported at Rs 5.37 after an increase from Rs.1.8 compared to the immediate previous fiscal year. The net worth per share is recorded as Rs. 135.24.
The Reserve and Surplus have settled to Rs. 613910000 in this quarter after an increase of 28.53% compared to the previous fiscal year presented by the second quarter report.
The paid-up capital for the company stood at Rs. 1082556000 in this quarter. The annual EPS is reported at Rs. 5.37.
Overall, Pokhara Finance Limited’s profit has declined by 18.33% to Rs. 2.90 Crores.