2 years of NESE's historic record
According to the details, the company's net profit has increased by 100 percent compared to the same period of the previous financial year.
153 companies advanced, 103 declined, 15 unchanged and two positive circuts.
The company is currently going to issue 1 new share equal to 1 share. According to this, the company will issue 10 million 59 million right shares with a face value of 100 rupees per share worth 10.59 billion rupees.
Api Power Company Limited has published unadjusted financial statements for the fourth quarter of last financial year
It has been decided to allow 3-3 life insurance and non-life insurance companies
Nepse Down by 20.31 points, 43 stocks advanced, 215 declined and 11 stayed neytral
IME Life IPO Allotment concluded, over 4 lakh Applicants Received No Offers
Thaneshwar Acharya, head of the Taksar branch of Nepal Rastra Bank, said that 60 kg and 716 grams of gold were found in the Taksar branch of Babarmahal on Tuesday.
You can just start investing in stock market in just 5 steps explained here.
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सामाजिक संजाल
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