To facilitate this issuance, the company has appointed Laxmi Sunrise Capital Limited as the sales manager.
As of the latest available information, ALICL concluded its last trading day with a closing price of Rs. 680.00 after a loss of 1.50 points today.
Overall, Ankhukhola Jalvidhyut Company's profit has decreased by 42.85 % to Rs. 1.52 Crores.
Care Rating Nepal, has assigned a “Care NP Single A-“ issuer rating to the company.
The insurance company will conduct its annual general meeting on Magh 29.
The Nepal Securities Board has approved the IPOs of Barun Investment and Maruti Cement in its pipeline.
Mountain Energy Nepal Limited has posted the Second Quarter unaudited report for the fiscal year 2080/2081.
Overall, Citizen Life Insurance Limited’s profit has increased by 2.73 % to Rs. 86.42 Lakh.
The paid-up capital for the company stood at Rs. 9.52 Crores in this quarter after an increase of 11%.
The company has clarified that individuals among the promoter shareholders and employees who are part of the executive committee and higher management will not be allowed to buy or sell shares.
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सामाजिक संजाल
Artha Kendra
सूचना विभाग दर्ता नं. : ४१९७-२०८०/२०८१
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