NIC Asia Bank has issued a notice regarding its Annual General Meeting (AGM); Book Closure Date Ashwin 16

The annual general meeting (AGM) of NIC Asia Bank is scheduled to be held on Ashwin 28th, which was announced during a meeting of the Executive Committee held today, Ashwin 5th. In the AGM, the bank will propose distributing a 30.52% dividend. This includes a bonus share of 29% and a cash dividend of 1.52% from the profit earned in the previous fiscal year, which ended on Bhadra 28th. The proposed dividend distribution is subject to approval from the regulatory authority, the Nepal Rastra Bank, and the shareholders during the AGM.
For the purpose of the AGM, the bank has announced that it will close its books from Ashwin 16th. Therefore, only shareholders holding shares until Ashoj 15th will be eligible to participate in the AGM and receive the proposed dividends.
The AGM will commence at 9 AM at the Army Officers' Club Bhadrakali, Kathmandu.