Shares of Lakshmi Sunrise Bank resume trading from today

NEPSE has set an opening range of Rs 173.05 per share for Lakshmi Sunrise Bank, the first transaction after the merger.
Kathmandu. After the successful merger, the shares of Lakshmi Sunrise Bank will be traded in the secondary market from Monday (today).
Nepal Stock Exchange will start trading from today with the listing of shares on Sunday.
A total of 21 crore 67 lakh 2 thousand 379 shares were listed in the name of Lakshmi Sunrise Bank in NEPSE. NEPSE has granted 'LSL' trading symbol to Lakshmi Sunrise Bank formed after the merger.
NEPSE has set an opening range of Rs 173.05 per share for Lakshmi Sunrise Bank, the first transaction after the merger.
Today, this bank's shares will be traded at this price. NEPSE had stopped the share trading of these two banks from June 29 for merger purposes.
Earlier, Lakshmi and Sunrise Bank were merged in 1:1 ratio. Both these banks started integrated business from June 29th.