Dried onions Stopped arriving, causing the rate to fluctuate

Kalimati Fruits and Vegetable market has stopped including the price of dried onions in the price list. Indian Dried onions stopped arriving, and the stock they have also finished. Due to this, they have yet to include the price of dried onions in the price list.
The Ministry of Finance of India has imposed a 40 percent export duty on onions until December 31. As a result, Kalimati Fruit and Vegetable Market in Nepal has reported a decrease in the import of onions from India.
Nepal imports approximately NPR 6 Arba 75 crore worth of fresh onions annually from India, while it imports dehydrated onions worth NPR 7 Crore. Due to increased demand for onions in India, India stopped exporting onions, making Nepal dependent on India’s onion market.
The committee last published the price of dried onions (Indian) on Monday, and the wholesale price averaged NPR 78, which had increased by 28 percent from the previous week when the average price was NPR 61.
After the public announcement of prices, the market has seen an increase in the price of onions. Some sellers sell dried onions at prices exceeding NPR 100 per kilogram, and traders are expected to increase the price further when there is a shortage of onions.