Mankamana Engineering's IPO Allotment: You can see your results from these metods

A total of 22 lakh 76 thousand 620 shares were issued to the general public, including the remaining 6 lakh 16 thousand 620 shares.
The ordinary shares (IPO) issued by Manakamana Engineering Hydropower Company Limited to the general public will be distributed today, 3rd Jestha, Sunday. According to BOK Capital Market Limited, the issuing and selling manager, the distribution of the IPO was now at 5:30 pm.
A total of 13 lakh 16 thousand 529 investors had applied for the company's IPO till the last day. Out of which, only 13 lakh 11 thousand 517 applications were eligible.
Since there were more applications than the demand, the IPO of the company was distributed through the Gaela system. Only 227 thousand 662 investors have got the shares during distribution by Gaela system. . The rest will be empty handed.
Mankamana Engineering Hydropower Limited issued a total of 22 lakh 76 thousand 620 shares to the general public from 28th July to 31st July. A total of 22 lakh 76 thousand 620 shares were issued to the general public, including the remaining 6 lakh 16 thousand 620 shares due to the lack of full applications for the shares of local residents.
Since there were more applications than the demand, the IPO of the company was distributed through the Gaela system. Only 227 thousand 662 investors have got the shares during distribution by Lottery system. . The rest will be empty handed.
Mankamana Engineering Hydropower Limited issued a total of 22 lakh 76 thousand 620 shares to the general public from 28th July to 31st Shrawan. A total of 22 lakh 76 thousand 620 shares were issued to the general public, including the remaining 6 lakh 16 thousand 620 shares due to the lack of full applications for the shares of local residents.
You can see your allotment results from here.
The results of the company's IPO will be published shortly. After the results are published, the results can be viewed in 4 different ways. The results of the IPO can be seen on the website, the website of the issuing and sales manager BOK Capital Market Limited, the website of Manakamana Engineering and Share Hub App.