NEPSE Halted After 5% Increase, Reopens at 12.07 PM

Nepse increased by 5% within 27 minutes and 29 seconds by 11:00 AM. The trading will be halt for 40 minutes. The market will reopen after 40 minutes at 12:07 PM.
Nepse increased by 5% within 27 minutes and 29 seconds by 11:00 AM. The trading will be halt for 40 minutes. The market will reopen after 40 minutes at 12:07 PM.
सूचना विभाग दर्ता नं. : ४१९७-२०८०/२०८१
प्रधान सम्पादक : दिपेश खनाल
मार्केटिङ : +९७७ ९८४७८५४३२८
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