TOP 10 Companies In NEPSE With Lowest Last Trading Price (LTP)

The article provides some insights about the top ten companies listed in NEPSE with the lowest Last Trading Price (LTP) as of 20/09/2023.
Samaj Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited, with the symbol "SAMAJ," is a small-cap financial institution in Nepal. It has a current Last Traded Price (LTP) of NPR 74.00 and a Market Cap of NPR 16,909,000.00. The company has a strong Asset Per Share of 1518.22 and a Book Value Per Share of 91.99. Its Earning Per Share stands at 68.43, and its Sales Per Share is at 111.08. However, its Cash Flow Per Share is negative at -372.34. The company has a healthy Reserve Surplus of NPR 12,536,190.00 and a 5-year average dividend yield of 15.00%. Mutual Fund Holding is at 1.55%, and its One Week Float Turnover is 0.06%. The 52-week high-low range is 64.8-74.9 for its stock.
Metric | Value |
LTP | NPR 74.00 |
Market Cap | NPR 16,909,000.00 |
Paid Up | NPR 22,850,000.00 |
Total Float | 43.00% |
Size | Small-cap |
Asset Per Share | 1518.22 |
Book Value Per Share | 91.99 |
Earning Per Share | 68.43 |
Sales Per Share | 111.08 |
Cash Flow Per Share | -372.34 |
Reserve Surplus | NPR 12,536,190.00 |
5 Yr Avg Dividend | 15.00% |
Mutual Fund Holding | 1.55% |
One Week Float Turnover | 0.06% |
52 Week High Low | 64.8-74.9 |
Himal Dolakha Hydropower Company Limited (HDHPC), symbol "HDHPC," is a mid-cap company in Nepal's hydropower sector. It currently trades at NPR 121.00 with a Market Cap of NPR 3,388,000,000.00. The company has a total float of 100.00%, indicating full public ownership. Its Asset Per Share is 79.58, and the Book Value Per Share is 80.15. However, it has a negative Earning Per Share of -4.64 and low Sales Per Share at 0.34. The company's Cash Flow Per Share is 0.00. It has a significant negative Reserve Surplus of -555,807,244.21 and a 5-year average dividend yield of 0.25%. Mutual Fund Holding stands at 3.30%, and the 52-week high-low range is 117.1-254 for its stock.
Metric | Value |
LTP | NPR 121.00 |
Market Cap | NPR 3,388,000,000.00 |
Paid Up | NPR 2,800,000,000.00 |
Total Float | 100.00% |
Size | Mid-cap |
Asset Per Share | 79.58 |
Book Value Per Share | 80.15 |
Earning Per Share | -4.64 |
Sales Per Share | 0.34 |
Cash Flow Per Share | 0.00 |
Reserve Surplus | -555,807,244.21 |
5 Yr Avg Dividend | 0.25% |
Mutual Fund Holding | 3.30% |
52 Week High Low | 117.1-254 |
National Hydro Power Company Limited (NHPC), symbol "NHPC," is a mid-cap company in Nepal's hydropower sector. Its Last Traded Price (LTP) is NPR 144.00, with a Market Cap of NPR 3,552,714,593.28. The company has a paid-up capital of NPR 2,467,162,912.00 and a total float of 20.00%. NHPC has an Asset Per Share of 90.46 and a Book Value Per Share of 67.21. It reports an Earning Per Share of 0.20 and Sales Per Share of 1.90, with a Cash Flow Per Share of 3.86. The company maintains a Reserve Surplus of NPR 13,136,676.00 and has a strong 5-year average dividend yield of 19.50%. Mutual Fund Holding stands at 0.41%, and the 52-week high-low range for its stock is 133-283.
Metric | Value |
LTP | NPR 144.00 |
Market Cap | NPR 3,552,714,593.28 |
Paid Up | NPR 2,467,162,912.00 |
Total Float | 20.00% |
Size | Mid-cap |
Asset Per Share | 90.46 |
Book Value Per Share | 67.21 |
Earning Per Share | 0.20 |
Sales Per Share | 1.90 |
Cash Flow Per Share | 3.86 |
Reserve Surplus | NPR 13,136,676.00 |
5 Yr Avg Dividend | 19.50% |
Mutual Fund Holding | 0.41% |
52 Week High Low | 133-283 |
Dibyashwari Hydropower Company Limited (DHPL), with the symbol "DHPL," is a small-cap company in Nepal's hydropower sector. Its Last Traded Price (LTP) is NPR 145.00, with a Market Cap of NPR 382,800,000.00. The company has a paid-up capital of NPR 264,000,000.00, and its stock has a total float of 100.00%. DHPL has an Asset Per Share of 300.63 but a low Book Value Per Share of 1.11. It reports a negative Earning Per Share of -14.49 and Sales Per Share of 32.59, with no reported Cash Flow Per Share. The company maintains a Reserve Surplus of -261,065,000.00 and has not paid any dividends with a 5-year average dividend yield of 0%. Mutual Fund Holding stands at 0.73%, and the 52-week high-low range for its stock is 138-250.
Metric | Value |
LTP | NPR 145.00 |
Market Cap | NPR 382,800,000.00 |
Paid Up | NPR 264,000,000.00 |
Total Float | 100.00% |
Size | Small-cap |
Asset Per Share | 300.63 |
Book Value Per Share | 1.11 |
Earning Per Share | -14.49 |
Sales Per Share | 32.59 |
Cash Flow Per Share | 0.00 |
Reserve Surplus | -261,065,000.00 |
5 Yr Avg Dividend | 0% |
Mutual Fund Holding | 0.73% |
52 Week High Low | 138-250 |
Shiva Shree Hydropower Limited (SSHL), symbol "SSHL," is a mid-cap company in Nepal's hydropower sector. With a Last Traded Price (LTP) of NPR 148.80, it has a Market Cap of NPR 2,196,883,200.00 and a paid-up capital of NPR 1,476,400,000.00. The company's stock has a total float of 25.00%. SSHL boasts an Asset Per Share of 350.38, although its Book Value Per Share is relatively low at 40.41. It reports a negative Earning Per Share of -20.92 but has a Sales Per Share of 23.84, with no reported Cash Flow Per Share. The company's Reserve Surplus is -879,792,153.00, and it has a 5-year average dividend yield of 0.19%. Mutual Fund Holding stands at 4.15%, and the 52-week high-low range for its stock is 139-278.
Metric | Value |
LTP | NPR 148.80 |
Market Cap | NPR 2,196,883,200.00 |
Paid Up | NPR 1,476,400,000.00 |
Total Float | 25.00% |
Size | Mid-cap |
Asset Per Share | 350.38 |
Book Value Per Share | 40.41 |
Earning Per Share | -20.92 |
Sales Per Share | 23.84 |
Cash Flow Per Share | 0.00 |
Reserve Surplus | -879,792,153.00 |
5 Yr Avg Dividend | 0.19% |
Mutual Fund Holding | 4.15% |
52 Week High Low | 139-278 |
Ankhukhola Hydropower Company Limited (AKJCL), symbol "AKJCL," is a small-cap company in Nepal's hydropower sector. It currently trades at NPR 154.70, with a Market Cap of NPR 1,237,600,000.00 and a paid-up capital of NPR 800,000,000.00. The company's stock has a total float of 100.00%. AKJCL demonstrates an Asset Per Share of 238.59 and a Book Value Per Share of 69.61. It reports a modest negative Earning Per Share of -0.56 but has relatively higher Sales Per Share at 24.03 and a noteworthy Cash Flow Per Share of 20.80. The company's Reserve Surplus stands at -243,151,155.00, and it has not paid dividends, with a 5-year average dividend yield of 0%. Mutual Fund Holding accounts for 0.90% of the company's ownership, and the 52-week high-low range for its stock is 145-254.
Metric | Value |
LTP | NPR 154.70 |
Market Cap | NPR 1,237,600,000.00 |
Paid Up | NPR 800,000,000.00 |
Total Float | 100.00% |
Size | Small-cap |
Asset Per Share | 238.59 |
Book Value Per Share | 69.61 |
Earning Per Share | -0.56 |
Sales Per Share | 24.03 |
Cash Flow Per Share | 0.00 |
Reserve Surplus | -243,151,155.00 |
5 Yr Avg Dividend | 0% |
Mutual Fund Holding | 0.90% |
52 Week High Low | 145-254 |
Kumari Bank Limited (KBL), symbol "KBL," is a high-cap financial institution in Nepal. It currently trades at NPR 157.80, with an impressive Market Cap of NPR 41,384,412,445.20. The company has a paid-up capital of NPR 26,225,863,400.00, and its stock has a total float of 49.00%. KBL boasts an Asset Per Share of 1444.32 and a strong Book Value Per Share of 140.47. It reports a positive Earning Per Share of 7.46 and robust Sales Per Share at 129.84, with a healthy Cash Flow Per Share of 35.21. The company's Reserve Surplus stands at NPR 10,613,307,373.00, and it has a consistent 5-year average dividend yield of 10.84%. Mutual Fund Holding accounts for 0.57% of the company's ownership, and the 52-week high-low range for its stock is 155-208.5.
Metric | Value |
LTP | NPR 157.80 |
Market Cap | NPR 37,856,323,920.00 |
Paid Up | NPR 26,225,863,400.00 |
Total Float | 49.00% |
Size | High-cap |
Asset Per Share | 1444.32 |
Book Value Per Share | 140.47 |
Earning Per Share | 7.46 |
Sales Per Share | 129.84 |
Cash Flow Per Share | 28.97 |
Reserve Surplus | NPR 10,613,307,373.00 |
5 Yr Avg Dividend | 11.28% |
Mutual Fund Holding | 1.1% |
52 Week High Low | 156.9-223 |
Liberty Energy Company Limited (LEC), symbol "LEC," is a mid-cap company operating in Nepal. It currently trades at NPR 158.00, with a Market Cap of NPR 2,370,000,000.00 and a paid-up capital of NPR 1,500,000,000.00. The company's stock has a total float of 100.00%. LEC has an Asset Per Share of 423.37 and a Book Value Per Share of 75.69. It reports a negative Earning Per Share of -5.90 but has a Sales Per Share of 9.10, with no reported Cash Flow Per Share. The company's Reserve Surplus stands at -364,601,015.80, and it has a 5-year average dividend yield of 0.47%. Mutual Fund Holding accounts for 3.30% of the company's ownership, and the 52-week high-low range for its stock is 149-306.
Metric | Value |
LTP | NPR 158.00 |
Market Cap | NPR 2,370,000,000.00 |
Paid Up | NPR 1,500,000,000.00 |
Total Float | 100.00% |
Size | Mid-cap |
Asset Per Share | 423.37 |
Book Value Per Share | 75.69 |
Earning Per Share | -5.90 |
Sales Per Share | 9.10 |
Cash Flow Per Share | 0.00 |
Reserve Surplus | -364,601,015.80 |
5 Yr Avg Dividend | 0.47% |
Mutual Fund Holding | 3.30% |
52 Week High Low | 149-306 |
Prabhu Bank Limited (PRVU), symbol "PRVU," is a high-cap financial institution in Nepal. It currently trades at NPR 160.80, with a Market Cap of NPR 37,856,323,920.00. The company has a paid-up capital of NPR 23,542,490,000.00, and its stock has a total float of 49.00%. PRVU demonstrates an Asset Per Share of 1493.79 and a robust Book Value Per Share of 143.25. It reports a healthy Earning Per Share of 12.00 and strong Sales Per Share at 127.60, with a substantial Cash Flow Per Share of 28.97. The company's Reserve Surplus stands at NPR 10,182,533,000.00, and it has a consistent 5-year average dividend yield of 11.28%. Mutual Fund Holding accounts for 1.1% of the company's ownership, and the 52-week high-low range for its stock is 156.9-223.
Metric | Value |
LTP | NPR 160.80 |
Market Cap | NPR 37,856,323,920.00 |
Paid Up | NPR 26,225,863,400.00 |
Total Float | 49.00% |
Size | High-cap |
Asset Per Share | 1493.79 |
Book Value Per Share | 143.25 |
Earning Per Share | 12.00 |
Sales Per Share | 127.60 |
Cash Flow Per Share | 28.97 |
Reserve Surplus | NPR 10,182,533,000.00 |
5 Yr Avg Dividend | 11.28% |
Mutual Fund Holding | 1.1% |
52 Week High Low | 156.9-223 |
Hydroelectricity Investment and Development Company Limited (HIDCL), symbol "HIDCL," is a high-cap company in Nepal's energy sector. It currently trades at NPR 168.00, with a Market Cap of NPR 38,263,342,958.40. The company has a paid-up capital of NPR 22,775,799,380.00, and its stock has a total float of 20.00%. HIDCL has an Asset Per Share of 111.30 and a Book Value Per Share of 108.40. It reports an Earning Per Share of 6.08 and Sales Per Share of 9.54, with a Cash Flow Per Share of 1.29. The company's Reserve Surplus stands at NPR 1,912,649,530.00, and it has a 5-year average dividend yield of 8.14%. Mutual Fund Holding is currently at 0%, and the 52-week high-low range for its stock is 162.2-224.
Metric | Value |
LTP | NPR 168.00 |
Market Cap | NPR 38,263,342,958.40 |
Paid Up | NPR 22,775,799,380.00 |
Total Float | 20.00% |
Size | High-cap |
Asset Per Share | 111.30 |
Book Value Per Share | 108.40 |
Earning Per Share | 6.08 |
Sales Per Share | 9.54 |
Cash Flow Per Share | 1.29 |
Reserve Surplus | NPR 1,912,649,530.00 |
5 Yr Avg Dividend | 8.14% |
Mutual Fund Holding | 0% |
52 Week High Low | 162.2-224 |