NEPSE will remain closed on Wednesday Ashoj 3, 2080 .

NEPSE will remain closed on Wednesday, Ashoj 3, 2080 on the occasion of "Sambidhan Diwas" as it is a day to cherish and celebrate the implementation of the present constitution in Nepal. The present constitution of Nepal has been in existence for six years now, having been established on the 3rd of Ashwin in the year 2072 by the Constituent Assembly of Nepal, which introduced federalism in the country.
Constitution Day is celebrated on the 3rd of Ashwin each year in Nepal. It is 20th September 2023 in the Gregorian/western calendars.
Some insights of the "Sambidhan Diwas" :
In a historic moment for the nation, Nepal's long-standing 65-year aspiration to craft a constitution through elected representatives was finally realized on the 3rd of Asoj in 2072 BS when Nepal's first President, Ram Baran Yadav, signed and endorsed the "Constitution of Nepal 2072". Today, Asoj 3rd marks the National Constitution Day of Nepal, a day dedicated to commemorating the promulgation of Nepal's constitution. The Constitution of Nepal 2072, a product of the contributions, sacrifices, penance, and hard work of countless Nepalis, has proven to be truly fruitful and auspicious. This landmark constitution has set Nepal firmly on the path of the rule of law and a republican form of governance. Signed by eight political parties, including the Maoists, the complete constitution has been promulgated, replacing the interim constitution issued on Magh 1st, 2063 BS.
Federal Republic of Nepal’s Constitution 2072 finishes all forms of discrimination and promotes unity to build the sovereign nation that it is today. With 35 Parts, 308 Sections, and 9 Schedules, the Constitution provides its citizens with rights, protections, and identity.