Navigating Nepal's Financial Landscape: Top 10 Finance Companies with highest Earning Per Share ( EPS).

- Market Capitalization: NPR 7,028,072,542.40
- Paid Up Capital: NPR 1,351,552,412.00
- 52 Weeks High/Low: NPR 571/NPR 370
- EPS (TTM): 21.57 (Book Close Adjusted)
- PE Ratio (TTM): 24.15
- P/B Ratio: 3.35
- ROE (TTM): 15.01%
- Book Value: NPR 155.35 (Book Close Adjusted)
- Reserve Surplus: NPR 748,099,000
- 5 Year Average Dividend: 19.29%
Manjushree Finance Ltd. is a financial company with a strong market capitalization and a healthy EPS. It has a moderate PE ratio and a respectable return on equity (ROE). The company also maintains a consistent dividend payment history.
- Market Capitalization: NPR 4,366,876,807.80
- Paid Up Capital: NPR 867,993,800.00
- 52 Weeks High/Low: NPR 629/NPR 463.9
- EPS (TTM): 18.06 (Book Close Adjusted)
- PE Ratio (TTM): 27.96
- P/B Ratio: 3.01
- ROE (TTM): 9.85%
- Book Value: NPR 167.65 (Book Close Adjusted)
- Reserve Surplus: NPR 587,159,695
- 5 Year Average Dividend: 7%
Gurkhas Finance Ltd. operates with a substantial market capitalization and a decent EPS. Although it has a relatively high PE ratio, its ROE is moderate. The company offers a modest average dividend.
- Market Capitalization: NPR 5,562,313,512.00
- Paid Up Capital: NPR 1,183,470,960.00
- 52 Weeks High/Low: NPR 541.7/NPR 395
- EPS (TTM): 13.96 (Book Close Adjusted)
- PE Ratio (TTM): 33.60
- P/B Ratio: 3.00
- ROE (TTM): 9.29%
- Book Value: NPR 156.26 (Book Close Adjusted)
- Reserve and Surplus: NPR 665,814,159
- 5 Year Average Dividend: 12%
ICFC Finance Limited is a company with a strong market capitalization and a reasonable EPS. It has a relatively high PE ratio but maintains a moderate ROE. The company also provides a consistent dividend.
- Market Capitalization: NPR 3,788,948,097.99
- Paid Up Capital: NPR 1,082,556,599.42
- 52 Weeks High/Low: NPR 439.9/NPR 315
- EPS (TTM): 11.37 (Book Close Adjusted)
- PE Ratio (TTM): 30.52
- P/B Ratio: 2.43
- ROE (TTM): 8.42%
- Book Value: NPR 142.88 (Book Close Adjusted)
- Reserve and Surplus: NPR 464,228,935.00
- 5 Year Average Dividend: 9.17%
Pokhara Finance Ltd. operates with a significant market capitalization and a reasonable EPS. It has a moderate PE ratio and maintains a respectable ROE. The company also offers a consistent dividend.
- Market Capitalization: NPR 4,011,528,448.00
- Paid Up Capital: NPR 946,115,200.00
- 52 Weeks High/Low: NPR 549/NPR 413
- EPS (TTM): 9.62 (Book Close Adjusted)
- PE Ratio (TTM): 44.07
- P/B Ratio: 1.68
- ROE (TTM): 4.96%
- Book Value: NPR 252.11 (Book Close Adjusted)
- Reserve and Surplus: NPR 1,439,116,394.00
- 5 Year Average Dividend: 10.20%
Goodwill Finance Co. Ltd. has a notable market capitalization and an EPS. However, it has a relatively high PE ratio and a lower ROE. The company provides a consistent dividend.
- Market Capitalization: NPR 3,219,921,786.80
- Paid Up Capital: NPR 981,683,471.59
- 52 Weeks High/Low: NPR 395/NPR 275.7
- EPS (TTM): 6.88 (Book Close Adjusted)
- PE Ratio (TTM): 46.11
- P/B Ratio: 2.30
- ROE (TTM): 5.12%
- Book Value: NPR 137.60 (Book Close Adjusted)
- Reserve and Surplus: NPR 369,080,606.00
- 5 Year Average Dividend: 10.43%
Shree Investment Finance Co. Ltd. has a significant market capitalization and a reasonable EPS. It has a relatively high PE ratio but maintains a moderate ROE. The company also offers a consistent dividend.
- Market Capitalization: NPR 3,451,520,160.00
- Paid Up Capital: NPR 1,012,176,000.00
- 52 Weeks High/Low: NPR 421/NPR 279
- EPS (TTM): 5.53 (Book Close Adjusted)
- PE Ratio (TTM): 61.27
- P/B Ratio: 2.40
- ROE (TTM): 4.18%
- Book Value: NPR 141.51 (Book Close Adjusted)
- Reserve and Surplus: NPR 420,127,000.00
- 5 Year Average Dividend: 8.11%
Guheshowori Merchant Bank & Finance Co. Ltd. operates with a notable market capitalization and a moderate EPS. It has a relatively high PE ratio and a lower ROE. The company offers a modest average dividend.
- Market Capitalization: NPR 2,563,595,523.22
- Paid Up Capital: NPR 854,816,780.00
- 52 Weeks High/Low: NPR 392.5/NPR 293
- EPS (TTM): 4.52 (Book Close Adjusted)
- PE Ratio (TTM): 66.54
- P/B Ratio: 2.15
- ROE (TTM): 3.36%
- Book Value: NPR 139.71 (Book Close Adjusted)
- Reserve and Surplus: NPR 339,436,270.00
- 5 Year Average Dividend: 20.00%
Best Finance Company Ltd has a considerable market capitalization and a lower EPS. It has a relatively high PE ratio and a lower ROE. The company provides a substantial average dividend.
- Market Capitalization: NPR 3,102,822,750.06
- Paid Up Capital: NPR 948,875,458.73
- 52 Weeks High/Low: NPR 415/NPR 281.1
- EPS (TTM): 3.66 (Book Close Adjusted)
- PE Ratio (TTM): 89.29
- P/B Ratio: 2.59
- ROE (TTM): 2.90%
- Book Value: NPR 126.18 (Book Close Adjusted)
- Reserve and Surplus: NPR 248,393,690.00
- 5 Year Average Dividend: 8.00%
Central Finance Co. Ltd. operates with a significant market capitalization and a lower EPS. It has a relatively high PE ratio and a lower ROE. The company offers a modest average dividend.
- Market Capitalization: NPR 2,146,805,120.00
- Paid Up Capital: NPR 725,272,000.00
- 52 Weeks High/Low: NPR 380/NPR 238
- EPS (TTM): 3.54 (Book Close Adjusted)
- PE Ratio (TTM): 83.54
- P/B Ratio: 2.15
- ROE (TTM): 2.64%
- Book Value: NPR 137.47 (Book Close Adjusted)
- Reserve and Surplus: NPR 269,482,000.00
- 5 Year Average Dividend: 23.16%
Nepal Finance Ltd. has a moderate market capitalization and a lower EPS. It has a relatively high PE ratio and a lower ROE. The company provides a substantial average dividend.
Company Name | Market Cap (NPR) | Paid Up Capital (NPR) | 52 Weeks High/Low (NPR) | EPS TTM | EPS Reported | PE Ratio TTM | PB Ratio | ROE TTM (%) | Book Value (NPR) | Reserve and Surplus (NPR) | 5-Year Avg Dividend (%) |
Manjushree Finance Ltd. | 7,028,072,542.40 | 1,351,552,412.00 | 571 / 370 | 21.57 | 21.57 | 24.15 | 3.35 | 15.01 | 155.35 | 748,099,000.00 | 19.29 |
Gurkhas Finance Ltd. | 4,366,876,807.80 | 867,993,800.00 | 629 / 463.9 | 18.06 | 18.06 | 27.96 | 3.01 | 9.85 | 167.65 | 587,159,695.00 | 7.00 |
ICFC Finance Limited | 5,562,313,512.00 | 1,183,470,960.00 | 541.7 / 395 | 13.96 | 13.96 | 33.60 | 3.00 | 9.29 | 156.26 | 665,814,159.00 | 12.00 |
Pokhara Finance Ltd. | 3,788,948,097.99 | 1,082,556,599.42 | 439.9 / 315 | 11.37 | 11.37 | 30.52 | 2.43 | 8.42 | 142.88 | 464,228,935.00 | 9.17 |
Goodwill Finance Co. Ltd. | 4,011,528,448.00 | 946,115,200.00 | 549 / 413 | 9.62 | 9.62 | 44.07 | 1.68 | 4.96 | 252.11 | 1,439,116,394.00 | 10.20 |
Shree Investment Finance Co. Ltd. | 3,219,921,786.80 | 981,683,471.59 | 395 / 275.7 | 6.88 | 6.88 | 46.11 | 2.30 | 5.12 | 137.60 | 369,080,606.00 | 10.43 |
Guheshowori Merchant Bank & Finance | 3,451,520,160.00 | 1,012,176,000.00 | 421 / 279 | 5.53 | 5.53 | 61.27 | 2.40 | 4.18 | 141.51 | 420,127,000.00 | 8.11 |
Best Finance Company Ltd | 2,563,595,523.22 | 854,816,780.00 | 392.5 / 293 | 4.52 | 4.52 | 66.54 | 2.15 | 3.36 | 139.71 | 339,436,270.00 | 20.00 |
Central Finance Co. Ltd. | 3,102,822,750.06 | 948,875,458.73 | 415 / 281.1 | 3.66 | 3.66 | 89.29 | 2.59 | 2.90 | 126.18 | 248,393,690.00 | 8.00 |
Nepal Finance Ltd. | 2,146,805,120.00 | 725,272,000.00 | 380 / 238 | 3.54 | 3.53 | 83.54 | 2.15 | 2.64 | 137.47 | 269,482,000.00 | 23.16 |