American dollar reached a new record at a high point, the exchange rate for the American dollar stands at NPR 133.44

शुक्रबार, २२ भदौ २०८०, १२:५० PM

On Friday, the price of the American dollar reached a new record at a high point. Today, the exchange rate for the American dollar stands at NPR 133.44. According to the Nepal Rastra Bank, on Thursday, the dollar was at NPR 133.32. However, it has reached a new peak on Friday. The dollar had not reached this high before.

According to the Nepal Rastra Bank, today, one American dollar costs NPR 133.44 for purchasing, while the selling price of the dollar is NPR 132.84.

On Friday, the dollar exchange rate increased by 12 paisa, setting a new record. Now, you need to spend NPR 133.44 to buy one American dollar. In comparison, the Indian Rupee has weakened against the American dollar. The Indian Rupee is weaker, and the Nepali Rupee has also depreciated.

Nepali Rupee has a stable exchange rate with the Indian Rupee. When the Rupee weakens against the Dollar, it also becomes weaker against other currencies. As the American dollar continues to rise, it will also impact global trade and international business. This will result in higher prices for imported goods.

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